Design Project #3 - Constructivist Syntax Poster

Design Brief Project #3: Constructivist Syntax Poster

The objective for this project is to create a Constructivist Syntax Poster about the social issue that is being caused by spending too much time on social media sites.  I am the sender of the message and my audience will be anyone who spends too much time on their technological devices, especially social media sites.  The message I wish to convey is that social media can be a distraction that takes away from some of the most important things in life such as family, friends, and relationships.  The purpose of the poster is to construct the message that social media can be a distraction and extend a call to action to the target audience to limit their use of social media especially during family settings, during work, or when with friends or other important relationships.  This poster is to be tabloid size, in color, and printed on a laser printer.

Mood Board #1

Mood Board #2


Final Version